Attorneys at Law

Call: (386) 738-0080

Fair Aggressive Representation
At Huddleston & Associates we take the time to listen and explain your options.
What good is legal representation if you don't understand the course of action? When we meet with clients in our office, whether the meeting is the first or we have been meeting with you for years, you are our guest and we treat you as such. Our goal is to use your time efficiently and to hear your needs and objectives. We will explain and present a course of action in easy to understand terms, that you will ultimately feel comfortable with when you leave your appointment. We realize your personal injury claim, family law matter, will, estate or civil law suit is very personal and important to you. It is also very important to us. We are committed to help you through this point in your life to a full and completion resolution.
With your goals in mind, we have developed five pillars that we adhere to when providing our legal services.
Our legal representation will be aggressive. We will use all of your legal rights and all available means to fully represent you. Aggressive does not mean improper, rude, deceitful or unethical. Aggressive means to the fullest ethical extent of the law, based upon the facts and your cause of action or claim. We will represent you to the best of our abilities at all times.
We adhere to the highest level of ethics and integrity, both professionally and personally, and those ethics are kept at the forefront of our minds as we work with our clients.
While the work we do is not simple, we are committed to explaining issues in a personal and logical manner, as well as providing the most comprehensive solution possible and the most economical use of your retainer.
We work hard to stay current with the most advanced techniques for the areas of law we practice. We are committed to take the time to attend conferences related to those topics and to regularly communicate with other professionals practicing in those areas in order to provide the advice and service that our clients deserve and need.
Not everything we do takes a high level of sophistication; however, when needed, we are capable of the highly sophisticated planning found at large firms while maintaining a small firm personal touch.
Our Office is located at:
817 West New York Avenue
DeLand, Florida 32720
Call: (386) 738-0080
For An Appointment
Our Email address is: HuddlestonLaw@OutLook.Com
Free consultation for all personal injury claims. If you can't come to us, we will come to you.
Personal Injury Claims
Family Law
Civil Litigation
Wills and Estates
There are a variety of ways to shoot yourself in the foot (literally and figuratively) and lose a personal injury lawsuit.
From contributing to the accident, to failing to take important legal steps, there are certain factors that can destroy your personal injury claim in court.
Here are five common ways to lose a personal injury lawsuit:
1. No experts. Parties must often rely on expert witness testimony to prove negligence. Failure to provide an expert opinion to explain the exact cause of the accident can cause you too lose your law suit. You need medical experts to describe your injuries and accident reconstructionists or other experts to describe why the accident happened and who is at fault.
2. Assumption of risk/contributory negligence. If you were negligent and contributed to your own injuries, or you assumed the risk of an obviously dangerous activity (and went ahead and engaged in the activity anyway), then your lawsuit may not be a winner. These are common defenses to negligence and can destroy a plaintiff's case.
3. No proof. Winning a personal injury lawsuit becomes exponentially more challenging when there is a lack of or limited evidence to make your case. After suffering an injury, it's crucial to gather proof: Take pictures, write down descriptions, file a police report, seek medical treatment, and get witnesses' contact information.
4. Lack of credibility. Your character can be an important element of the case. Any information you provide related to your personal injury should be honest and accurate. One easy way to destroy your credibility (and in turn, your case) is misrepresenting your injuries to your doctor. Remember, any discrepancy with the police report or other critical evidentiary record can harm your case. Don't lie to insurance companies, either. Instead, keep mum and let your attorney do the talking. Don't give a statement to the insurance company without first talking to your lawyer. There are many ways to say the same thing, you need to pick the right way.
5. No lawyer. While it may not be entirely necessary, consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney may be the easiest way to handle your personal injury claim. A lawyer may be able to identify legal issues you hadn't considered, and can give you useful guidance that is tailor-made to your unique situation.
For more information on what steps you can take to give yourself the best chance in court, Please call us for a free consultation at (386) 738-0080.